A Poem, A chance
Maybe I no longer seek fame
That creaking, hungry beast
Sneaking up on the hopeful weak,
When it goes seeking for a feast.
Maybe I wish to reflect alone
In the wild unknown
An eye to witness
With bated breath
Not a body
That awaits the catch.
Maybe I wish to belong to no one,
My only home within my bone
To write and write and write and write
And share, but yet unsown.
Maybe I always sought glory,
To be the very best
Can one be a mystic,
And still receive the rest?
I am a poet—
What a phrase it is to say,
How devious, mischievous
A secret in my mind to lay.
To put it to the world,
The judge becomes the many.
How frightening
To show a body,
That which I do not own.
But more horrifying still,
To lay bare
The soul, that which is my own.